Alright i thought i'd take some time to layout what we've discussed and what people need to download so that we can opperate as a team.
First off make sure you've downloaded dropbox ( )
If you don't know what dropbox is, it's a folder that will sync up with a clouded version of the same folder. This makes it easy for us all to have up to date files.
Secondly and so we don't overcomplicate things we'll be using the UDK MAY 2011.
Our concept is a Haunted house (pre 50s) which has 4 levels in it. Basement / 1st / 2nd / attic. importantly the house wont be massive since we actually want the project to get to a finished state before we all go back to Uni in mid September.
at this time of posting the current tasks are
Billy: Modeling assets for a Childs room
Neil: Blueprinting house
Marc: Level design
Chris: Unrealscript/matinee research, Misc Modeling, Support UDK
please create the folder
this will apear in UDK as a package folder and is where we'll save all our assets.
It also makes sence once you have a finished asset to name it with your name in it.
For example Chris-Lamp, Billy-chair